Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


One spoon of apple cider vinegar can do wonders for our total well-being.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a considered to be a Super food. Due to its countless health benefits, a lot of people around the world, are using on a daily basis. ACV is packed with healthy enzymes and Nutrients and at the same time low in calories and carbs. To get the most benefit from Apple Cider Vinegar, consume one or two spoons with water as detox drink. Apart from its health benefit, ACV is being used in various culinary cuisine around the world such as preparing dips, garnishing soup, salad dressing etc. To discover how to use Apple Cider Vinegar on weight loss, pain relief, skin care and a ton of other amazing benefits, read this eBook.

Here we list down top 8 health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar:

#8-Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar increase metabolism speed and endorse weight loss. To get desired result, consumed mixed with water prior to each meal, the acetic acid surges metabolism, decreases water preservation, and subdues appetite.

#7-Controls Blood Sugar

Blood Sugar can be controlled if 3 times consumption of ACV with water. ACV develops the sensitivity to insulin level in body.

#6-Lowers Blood Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar restricts triglycerides levels and bad cholesterol and causes the blood lipid profile to progress. Learn how to use Apple Cider Vinegar to surge good cholesterol in your body.

#5-Balance The Body’s PH

To have clearer, wrinkle free skin Apple Cider Vinegar is good choice as it can reinforce immunity, boost metabolism and slow the ageing process. By using Apple Cider Vinegar in your daily diet, you may observe improve in energy levels, and decrease in anxiety, nuisance, sore throat and irritability.   

#4-Helps The Digestive Process

Apple Cider Vinegar contains Pectin which is believed to treat Diarrhea, Pectin can cause the generation of fibrous matter and protective coating on the colon’s lining.  Read this eBook to Learn how to use recipes that eliminate the bacterial infection which causes diarrhea.

#3-Breathe Better

Apple Cider Vinegar Solution contains potassium that help to cleat the sinuses. Bacteria Growth can be restricted due to acetic acid content of Vinegar. Sinus jamming can be relieved by consumption of apple cider vinegar with lemon, honey and cayenne and the same drink also replenished the lost body minerals. Also Apple cider vinegar help to alleviate the stuffy nose condition. Found more delicious Apple Cider Vinegar recipesin this eBook.

#2-Skin+Acne Treatment

As an alternative of regular face toner, Apple Cider Vinegar with water can be use a face toner. This diluted solution can be used to wash face before going to bed or in the morning prior to put the makeup. This eBook contain Apple Cider Vinegar beauty treatment that helps to improve to fade age spot and acne scars.

#1-Whiten your teeth

To remove yellow stain from teeth, use Apple cider vinegar which can be apply on teeth directly. But note that after applying the Apple Cider Vinegar directly on teeth, the person must rinse his mouth immediately to avoid damage of tooth enamel. AppleCider Solution diluted with water mentioned in this eBook, can be used as mouthwash or gargle. It is important that the teeth must be brushed thoroughly to ensure that there is no apple cider vinegar residue available inside mouth which can damage tooth enamel.

If you like to serve natural foods with tons of healthy benefits, then cooking with Apple Cider Vinegar is ideal choice. Apple Cider Vinegar uses as salt alternatives, meat marinades and you can prepare delicious drink recipes!

Here are the best Apple Cider Vinegar options for you :

1)Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

2)Wedderspoon Apple Cider Vinegar with Manuka Honey

